Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I am not sure if it is that everyone has been under the weather recently or the fact that I have been a bit run down myself, but everyone around here sure has their quirkiness! My 3 kiddos are definitely 3 unique and opiniated individuals! Please don't misunderstand me- I am not complaining, just recognizing their differences!
I wish I had more time in my day to meet everyones quirky demands. For instance, one likes his breakfast the minute he arises, and the other 2 like it about 45 minutes later (most days they sleep until the last minute so its straight from the pillow to the plate). When it comes to food that is a whole new ballgame! One would be happy if he never had to eat again, another would live on chips and chocolate, and yet the other is pretty much happy with anything you throw his way. That is if it is at precisely the temperature that he desires. One quirk they all have is that NO food can touch!
On to clothing, one will wear about anything that I set out, another can't handle tags or seams, and the last one I never know what to expect. One MUST have socks on when he goes to bed, another NEVER wears socks to bed, and the last one it just depends on the day.
Oh yeah-then there are the goodnight quirks, the good bye quirks, the homework quirks, and no way would I even mention the bathroom quirks! How would I keep all of these things straight if I had more children?
All this quirky thinking made me so thankful that my heavenly Father loves me despite my own quirks! I am so thankful that he created us all differently, and yet he loves us so much!

Final thought:
After being sick for a few days Chris woke up and I asked him how he was feeling? I was a little scared to ask, but I knew that is what every good mother should and would do. He quickly replied, "I am feeling better! Yeah, Mom I'M BACK, I'M REALLY BACK!" I was glad I asked!


scarlett said...

Aahh, you gotta love those quirks. As moms we keep a million things straight and I wonder why I feel like I am losing it on most day. Let's not even talk about the hubby's quirks!!

Nicole said...

Too funny! I am identifying with some of those kiddo quirks as my number one son is developing quite a few himself. Gotta love 'em!

Angela said...

That is too funny! Good luck with keeping everyone's personal quirks straight...that is something I still have awhile to look forward too! haha.