Sunday, September 14, 2008

life in the fast lane

i can't believe summer is over, and we are already back in school. it happened so quickly! in fact, it happened so suddenly i didn't have time to be saddened. i just had to jump right into a new school year. to say it has been a hectic month would be an understatement.
this past month has really been an awakening for me in may ways. i have realized just how precious my family is. this whole summer was spent doing things as a family, and it ended with my entire family here for my dad's surgery. it sounds crazy, but it was a sweet time. it was a time i will never in my life forget. i am so thankful for the second chance that my dad was given.
now, i just have to face reality and get into a routine. i have to keep telling myself school is in session, and summer is over. i absolutely love my job, i just miss the carefree days of summer. actually, what i miss the most is being with my kids all day. it almost kills me to leave w/ out the twins each afternoon. the other day i made my daily trip to the caf. to say goodbye to the them, and cassi told me she was going home with me. she told me she had learned everything she needed to for the day. she did not need to be a full day kid anymore. oh how i just wanted to snatch her up and bring her home and cuddle with her on the couch all afternoon.
life has just changed so much in the past month. my twins are gone all day. trev is becoming more and more independent. doug has started his masters and is even more busy than he used to be. and me....well i just have to adjust to a new school, new principal, new kinder. team, new class, and their parents. for the most part it is all positive stuff, now i just have to decide to go with it. maybe the first step is a little reality check...i think it's time to put away the pool toys. step number 2-start volunteering in the kiddos class this week, and enjoy every minute that i do have with them. step number 3- realize that bedtimes and homework are here to stay and deal with it!