Thursday, January 24, 2008

What does Marvelous mean?

As we were driving home from church last night we decided to say our "good nights" en route as we were a bit behind bedtime schedule. This was due to my 3 rock stars being glued to watching their dad practice with the worship team. They love to go give him a hug (as they don't see him at all on Wed.) and listen to him sing/play/etc.
Back to the story....we are driving home and everyone is saying very meaningful and heartfelt prayers. I am thinking this is great as Douglas has really been working with them on saying prayers that they actually mean, and not they same thing day after day. So, one item that was deleted from the prayer list was praying for a "fun day" everyday. All three made it through with out mentioning "fun." However, the minute Chris finished praying he asks, "Mom what does marvelous mean?" Trevar and I proceeded to define the word for Chris. Silence..... "Mom I want every day to be MARVELOUS! I think God wants us to make everyday Marvelous... don't you? Marvelous is way better than fun!"
I can tell you up until today I have never prayed for a MARVELOUS day, but I started today. I have often asked God to help me make it through the day, or just make this day be over, and occasionally please don't let this day ever end. I think my asking has been a little below the mark, as we receive what we ask for. I realized from my 6 year old that I often underestimate God and his power. Of course he wants us to have MARVELOUS days! So, if Doug allows we will now be praying for Marvelous days!


Dionna said...

I love how children teach us! I, too, think I've been praying "below the mark." I love it. I'm gonna ask for a MARVELOUS day. Thanks for the perspective, Chris!

Alisha Beverly said...

Wow! What a great reminder! It's funny how we just ask God for the 'norm' and nothing special. When He is a God of extraordinary power to do whatever we ask. Why not ask Him for something marvelous!

Life As I Know It said...

Thanks for this post Heather. I also get in a rut with my prayers. Many times it has been my children that have taught me about God. I love the thought of asking God for a MARVELOUS day.